Welcome to the Grand Series of Beauty Corner! This week you will have the pleasure of getting to know more about Miss Grand Türkiye 2022, Deria Koc. With having an international competition already under her belt, Deria will be heading into the Miss Grand International pageant with a surplus of knowledge and a fiery soul, which will aid her in her journey towards the Golden crown. Keep on reading to learn about Türkiye’s representative to the 10th edition of the Miss Grand International pageant.
Q: Congratulations on being crowned Miss Grand Türkiye 2022! What made you want to compete at the Miss Grand International pageant?
A: The fact that it is the world’s most prestigious and leading beauty pageant is why I want to compete at Miss Grand International. I love the platform very much. It gives a voice to women around the world to express themselves.
Q: What is your favorite edition of the Miss Grand International pageant, and why?
A: My favorite edition is probably last year’s edition (2021). Everything was big and bold. From the production to the chosen music during the evening gown and swimsuit rounds to the activities during the pageant. It was perfect, especially the Gala Dinner. It gave a place for every girl to shine.
Q: Having competed at an international pageant before, what have you learned from your experience at an international pageant that you believe will help you when competing at Miss Grand International 2022 in Indonesia?

A: I definitely competed with a lot of talented girls in previous competitions. Therefore, I learned a lot from the girls and from the organization about pageant walking and communication skills. I realized that pageantry is my thing, and I want to continue my pageant journey. I am ecstatic that I will continue my journey on the Miss Grand International stage!
Q: You have expressed your knowledge of Indonesian history on social media. What was the most interesting thing you learned about the country’s history?
A: The most interesting fact I learned was about the Indonesian island of Java. Java was populated 1.8 million years ago, which was before other kingdoms were ever built. That is amazing and unimaginable.
Q: With Germany being your current place of residence, what would you say is the biggest difference and the biggest similarity you have noticed between Germany and Türkiye?
A: The biggest difference between Germany and Türkiye is the culture. When it comes to the German people, they are calm yet bound by a lot of rules and laws. Turkish people act more from the heart and are more energetic. Also, the Turkish kitchen is well-known around the world and is one of the best in my opinion. I can say the same thing about Turkish hospitality. Another difference is religion. Germany is mostly a Christian country, while Türkiye is a Muslim country.
As a similarity, both countries love Turkish food. In Germany, you can find a lot of Turkish restaurants in every city.
Q: You speak four languages: English, Turkish, German, and French. What advice can you give to people who are trying to learn one of the languages you currently speak?
A: The most important thing is to focus on one language before you start another one. Sometimes, it can be confusing if you try to learn more than one language at once. My teacher always said that a language lives from its vocabulary. So, it’s important to learn the words instead of focusing on other aspects like grammar. Watching videos with subtitles can help with learning a language.
Q: Recently, you provided catwalk training to a pageant contestant. What made you want to provide catwalk training? Do you plan on or want to help more aspiring beauty queens with their catwalk skills in the future?

A: I definitely want to help people with their catwalk! I help whenever I can.
The woman I worked with told me that she loved my walk and wondered if I could show her some things, and I said, of course, why not? I think we, as women, should support each other.
If anyone has a need and wants me to help, I will absolutely help. I am here. Whoever has the need to learn can contact me.
Q: Your current work as a refugee consultant. Can you tell us what exactly a refugee consultant is and what the duties are?
A: Sure. I work in the city hall. I have my own office. When refugees come to my country, I am probably one of the first people they meet. I consult with them and give them advices. For example, I fill out applications with them for getting social money. Or I help them finding an apartment. I also help them if they want to go to language courses. So, I literally help with everything they need.
Q: What is the biggest lesson you have learned from those whom you have met through being a refugee consultant?
A: The biggest lesson I learned was how lucky we are to live in a safe place. I have learned to appreciate every single thing in life, and I am thankful for everything that I have.
Q: If you had the ability to change one thing about yourself, whether that be a physical or character trait, would you do it? Why or why not?
A: If I could change one thing about myself, it would be the fact that I overthink. Sometimes I have to let things go because, at the end of the day, I know that what is meant to be will always happen. Generally, I like my personality, and I love my helpful side. Therefore, there isn’t anything that I would ultimately like to change about myself.
Q: If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
A: I would spend a large amount of the money on helping poor people. With the rest of the money, I would buy a house for my mum and treat my family.
Q: Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with us?
A: I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supports me. I appreciate each of you, and I am happy that I have the chance to get to know so many great people out there.
This or That
Thank you for being a part of this special Grand Series of Beauty Corner, Deria! You have been a pleasure to work with, and I can’t wait to see you back on an international stage!
Thank you all for reading this edition of Beauty Corner! Make sure to follow Deria on her personal Instagram as well as the Miss Grand Türkiye and Özcan Yilmaz Agency Instagram accounts to stay up to date with Deria’s journey to the Miss Grand International crown.
Photo credit to all photographers
Follow the Beauty and Brains official Instagram for breaking news on all things pageantry! @beauty_brains_pageants
Tags: #MissGrand, #MissTurkey, Beauty and Brains, Beauty Corner, MissGrandInternational, MissGrandInternational2022, MissTurkiye, Turkey, Turkiye, WeAreGRANDthe1andOnly