Long time no chat, but Beauty Corner is back!
This edition of Beauty Corner is featuring Miss Grand Czech Republic 2022 Mariana Bečková. Mariana is currently working on earning her Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology. She loves singing, acting, surfing, and doing yoga. This active 23-year-old was a big favorite at the Miss Czech Republic 2022 pageant and did walk away with a crown. Mariana will represent her home country of the Czech Republic in Indonesia – which is coincidentally another place she calls “home” – at the Miss Grand International 2022 pageant. Continue reading to learn more about this beautiful soul and her plans on if she wins the Miss Grand International crown.
Q. First off, congratulations on your big win! How did you feel when you were announced as the new Miss Grand Czech Republic?
A. Thank you so much! Honestly, I still want to pinch myself to make sure it’s not just a dream. I have been watching MGI for years and I always visualized myself on that grandiose stage one day. I am so happy, grateful, and humble to be given the opportunity to became part of the Grand family.
Q. At the beginning of your Miss Czech Republic journey, you were aiming to capture the Miss World Czech Republic title. However, you eventually changed your mind and wanted the Miss Grand Czech Republic title. What made you shift your focus to Miss Grand International?
A. Yes, I liked the Miss World competition because of their emphasis on charity. I have done charity for many years, and I always tried to help as much as possible. I admire Miss World and I will be rooting for our Krystyna Pyszko 100%, but after watching last year’s MGI finale with the other finalists rooting for Barbora, I realized that MGI is also very focused on charity and helping people – they focus on world problems such as stopping violence, helping to establish peace around the world, and stopping hatred based on our differences like nationality, religion, and colour – as we are all the same, little pieces of this beautiful universe. It’s our duty to educate people to learn how to be more respectful and treat each other with kindness. After all, the main motto of MGI is “Stop the War.”

In addition, I was particularly captivated when Mr. Nawat gave the space for Miss Grand Myanmar 2020 Han Lay to share with the world what is happening in her country. Where junta organized coup d’etat after democratic party won and they killed over 1,700 protesters – including children – and unlawfully imprisoned over 10,000 people. Based on this speech, the military issued an arrest warrant for Han Lay. But Khun Nawat paid from his own pocket the refugee visa for Han, gave her a job, and helped her to immigrate to Canada. Without his help she would face prison or worse. He literally saved her life. This really showed me what a big heart Mr. Nawat has and I knew I wanted to be part of the Grand family. And of course, look at how grandiose and innovative the MGI show is. I personally think that MGI is the best contest, has the friendliest atmosphere, and kind but professional and fair team. I am so honoured and humbled to have the chance to represent my country at MGI.
Q. What is a funny memory you have from your experience competing in Miss Czech Republic?
A. I have so many amazing memories! It was truly a time of a lot of growth for me and I learned a lot! Probably the funniest memories happened during our trip with the Top 10 to Zanzibar. We had so much fun together, laughed all the time, and we made so many memories.
However, probably the funniest memory was when we were rehearsing the catwalk and choreography for the final show, and my shoe broke in the middle of the routine. I had to do the whole thing with just one shoe! We laughed so much about that!
Q. Acting has been a dream of yours since you were a child. What is your dream acting role?
A. Yes, that’s true! I’ve always wanted to be an actress and I am currently studying at the Ivanna Chubbuck Studio in Los Angeles to get closer to my dream. My dream role is anything that can bring value to the world. I would love to play a character based on a true story that inspires me like Jane Goodal who dedicated her life to conservation, environmental work, and to protect chimpanzees and their habitats. She was named a UN Messenger of Peace and she is the honorary member of the World Future Council.
I hope to play someone like her and that way I can educate people and play a small role in influencing people to be better and kinder to each other and to our Mother Earth.
Q. If anyone takes a look at your Instagram feed, they can clearly see your love for yoga. When and why did you start practicing yoga?
A. I have been practicing yoga since I was 13 years old, after my amazing mom took me to my first yoga class. I lived as a model on and off in Asia when I was 15-17 years-old, and that’s where my love for yoga grew. I started practicing daily and I loved it. Then, when I was 18 years old, I decided to do my Yoga Teacher Training and share this love that I had for yoga with the world. I taught for many years. Now I only teach during my charity events, “Yoga for a Good Cause,” which I host multiple times a year for various charities. The most recent one was to raise money to build a school for children who are victims of the war in Ukraine.
Q. You like to center your life around health and wellness. Is this the reason why you follow a vegan diet? How long have you been a vegan? What are the best vegan recipes/products we should try?

A. Yes, I love healthy food and sharing healthy recipes. Nowadays, more and more people are becoming sick due to bad processed food. I want to help people see that healthy food can also delicious as well as help them to get healthier and stronger. I have been vegan for 8 years, and this lifestyle works so well for me! I do it for my health, love for all living creatures, and to save the planet for next generations. For example, beef production has the most greenhouse emissions (from the methane), so I feel like it’s my duty for the planet and the animals to be as considerate as possible.
I have many recipes on my social media, and I even wrote a recipe book! My favorite recipe would have to be my oatmeal Vivo protein powder pancakes; I make them almost every day!
Q. Helping those in need is one of your major focuses in life. You set up foundations for building schools in Bangladesh, providing care to Ukrainian refugees, and more. What is your next charity adventure?

A. I want to focus on helping children because I believe that every child should have a fair chance in life. I want to build schools all around the world, so more and more children have access to education. That is my biggest passion and one day I want to have my own foundation which builds schools. Don’t forget that when we educate children we help to create future doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, etc. who will strengthen each country and the global economy! Other than that, I try to help as much as I can where it’s necessary. Last week I cooked and gave out food to the homeless. Last month I organized a charity event to fundraise help for refugees from Ukraine. Therefore, I don’t just help in one field, I try to help wherever it is most needed and adjust accordingly.
Q. You and your partner Axel have been very open about his diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma as well as the recovery journey. How are you both currently doing? I know that health issues can take a large toll on everything and everyone involved, so what made you guys keep fighting and smiling during the tough times?

A. I am so happy to say that Axel finished his treatment and he is now cancer-free! This was a massive relief for both of us, because it was a very challenging time, filled with uncertainty, stress, and worry. We tried to stay positive and be an inspiration to others to keep faith even during challenging times. And we wanted to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Healthy and strong. My amazing fighter.
Q. You mentioned that you have previously lived in Indonesia. Why did you decide to pick up and move to Indonesia from the Czech Republic?
A. I came to Indonesia for a vacation in December 2019, and I absolutely fell in love with the culture, the people, the nature, the amazing food, and the overall atmosphere. Bali felt like home to me. I definitely knew I wanted to stay there. Then, the coronavirus started and all airports closed. I got an emergency visa to stay in Indonesia and I chose to stay! I organized many events to raise money to buy food for the locals who unfortunately lost their jobs due to the pandemic. I felt it was my duty to stay and help them during this time.
Q. Speaking of Indonesia, in your opinion, what are the must-see travel spots in Indonesia?
A. I spent most of my time in Bali, and it’s absolutely amazing. The islands of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan are also amazing. However, I was also captivated by Lombok! It had incredible nature, and it was just so beautiful. The people were very kind and welcoming.
Q. What is your favorite place you have traveled to?
A. Definitely Indonesia and Thailand! And I am really not saying it to score points. I lived in Indonesia for 1.5 years, and so it really feels like home. I’ve been to Thailand 3 times already, and every time I discover more and more beauty of The Kingdom of Smile.
Q. What locations are still on your bucket list?
A. I would love to visit Australia one day! I’ve heard amazing things about it: the culture, beautiful nature, and species of animals which you can only encounter there. It’s fascinating.
Q. The Miss Grand International Organization always put on a spectacular show! What aspect of the show are you most excited to participate in?
A. I must say that I am so excited for all of it! It is such an incredible opportunity for me and I intend to make the most of it and really enjoy every minute! I am looking forward to meeting all of the girls as I know from my predecessors that most contestants are like real sisters! I’m also very excited for the national costume portion because I think that here you can always show the world a piece of your culture and beauty of your country.
Q. MGI is one of the most competitive pageants in the world. With that being said, what about you do you think will make you stand out amongst the rest of the contestants?

A. I think that I am very kind, empathetic, strong, and charitable. I have a really big heart and I hope that everyone will see it. Also, I have a big love for Indonesian and Thai culture (like I mentioned before, I spent a long time in both of these countries), and so I feel a strong connection with the people. I am very friendly and happy to meet new people and learn their culture. But mostly because I am real. What you see and what you hear coming out of my mouth is not a pose to gain points. I put emphasis on the fact that beauty queens should be real, truthful, kind, and charitable not to impress people but because it’s her real nature, heart, and soul.
Q. If you were to win Miss Grand International 2022, how would you use the title to impact the lives of others?
A. I would continue what I am already doing, just on a bigger scale. I would open more and more schools for children, so they could have access to education, a roof over their heads, and food every day. That is my biggest mission. Other than that, I would of course help wherever is needed, and I would try to be the best possible role model for the younger generation.
Q. Finally, is there anything else you would like to share with us?
A. I would like to say a big thank you for this beautiful interview! I had a lot of fun answering these questions, and I hope that the readers had a chance to get to know me a little better and learn about my passions and projects. I am so excited to see you soon in BALI! <3
This or That
Thank you so much to Mariana for being a guest on Beauty Corner. I also want to thank Lenka Vomočilová for helping make this happen. It has been a pleasure working with you both! Make sure to follow and support Mariana on her journey to the Miss Grand International crown on her personal Facebook and Instagram accounts as well as on the Miss Czech Republic Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Feature Image courtesy of @photo.aloryka
Follow the Beauty and Brains official Instagram for breaking news on all things pageantry! @beauty_brains_pageants
Tags: MarianaBeckova, MGI, MissCzechRepublic, MissGrand, MissGrandCzechRepublic, MissGrandInternational, MissGrandInternational2022, WeAreGRANDthe1andOnly