The Miss France pageant is an annual event that crowns a winner whom will represent France at the next Miss Universe and/or Miss World pageants. When it comes to national pageants, Miss France is one of the few that gather the attention of pageant fans from across the world. The reason why Miss France has many international viewers is not necessarily due to France doing well at the international level, but because the Miss France pageant is like no other pageant. The Miss France pageant is a hybrid between a pageant and the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Swimsuits, evening gowns, and the Q&A round are still present in the show, but there are also themed segments (mini runway shows) that showcase the contestants in different costumes accompanied by professional dancers and an amazing set. Since I gave you a little introduction about what to expect when watching Miss France, let’s get into my Miss France 2021 review.
Opening Number
The Miss France 2021 pageant marked the 100th anniversary of the Miss France Organization, and to celebrate the organization’s 100th year of existence, former queens flooded the stage, Miss France and Miss Universe 2016 Iris Mittenaere had her own little segment to shine, and nine of these former queens made up the panel of judges (Iris Mittenaere – Miss France and Miss Universe 2016, Flora Coquerel – Miss France 2014, Élodie Gossuin – Miss France and Miss Europe 2001, Sonia Rolland – Miss France 2000, Linda Hardy – Miss France 1992, Mareva Georges – Miss France 1991, Nathalie Marquay – Miss France 1987, Patricia Barzyk – Miss France 1980, and Muguette Fabris – Miss France 1963). In addition to the former queens, the Miss France 2020 Clémence Botino walked the runway while the 2021 delegates and professional dancers danced on the stage.
Overall, I thought it was a good opening number. The one thing I would have changed would have been to give as big of a spotlight to Clémence Botino as they did with Iris. I know that Iris won Miss Universe and gave France its second MU crown, but Clémence was the current Miss France and a pageant night is about the contestants, the new winner, and the outgoing winner. I just think Clémence should have been given the same amount of air time as Iris in the opening number.
Themed Segments
Before each segment began, the show introduced the viewers to each contestant that was going to be in each specific segment (ex. in Theme 1: Alsace, Pays de la Loire, etc.). I loved how we were introduced to the contestants. Besides from the introductions lining up with who was going to be in which segment, I loved the short videos of the contestants introducing themselves as well as the map of France and its territories lighting up when their region’s/territory’s representative was announced.
Segment 1: Palace of Versailles

Featuring: Alsace, Bourgogne, Bretagne, Guadeloupe, Guyane, Île-de-France, Limousin and Pays de la Loire
The set, music, professional dancers, and contestants were amazing! The set included water, horses (real horses and horse statues), and fountains in the backdrop. Although the set was elaborate and the professional dancers were great, the contestants were not overshadowed. The contestants were dressed in either a pink or blue Victorian style dress, which had a detachable skirt. When the skirt was taken off, a romper sort of situation was going on and I loved it. The outfits were accessorized with knee-high white stockings, a choker, and a headband with flowers on it.
Each contestant was having fun and showing their personality on the runway, but there were a few girls who I thought performed the best.
Favorites: Alsace, Côte d’Azur, Guadeloupe, Limousin, and Pays de la Loire
Segment 2: French Pastries

Featuring: Centre-Val de Loire, Champagne-Adrenne, Lorraine, Mayotte, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Normandie, Picardie, Poitou-Charentes, Réunion, and Wallis et Futuna,
Again, the set, music, dancers, and contestants were great. I particularly like how each segment features new and older music that majority of people know (ex. Blackpink’s “Ice Cream”). In this segment, the contestants were more interactive with the dancers and there was a storyline (the girls and the dancers were making sweets). I could see that the contestants were truly enjoying themselves, especially during the body wave with the professional dancers, running down the runway, and during the dance number at the end. The judges were also dancing and singing to the music along with the girls during this segment. I love seeing judges enjoying themselves.
The girls danced and walked down the runway wearing a form fitting peplum dress with desserts printed on them along with a headband with big red lips attached.
Favorites: Lorraine, Mayotte, NPDC (Nord-Pas-de-Calais), and Picardie
Segment 3: Moulin Rouge

Featuring: Aquitaine, Auvergne, Corse, Franche-Comté, Languedoc-Roussillon, Martinique, Midi-Pyrénées, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Provence, and Rhône-Alpes
From the set, to the outfits, to the soundtrack – this is a beautiful segment! Five of the girls were dressed in a black top hat, black blazer, shiny gold top, black embellished shorts, and a gold and black cape and the other five girls were dressed in a white top hat, a teal beaded velvet bodysuit, and a white boa. My favorite outfit was the teal and white outfit. The professional dancers were dressed in a simple white shirt with black trousers, so the viewers’ eyes were drawn immediately to the girls. To be honest, when I first watched the show (besides for the one part where one of the dancers had the spotlight) I hardly noticed the dancers; the girls truly shined.
Favorites: Auvergne, Corse, Midi-Pyrénées, and Provence
Segment 4: French Cinema

Featuring: All 29 contestants
WOW! This segment is by far my favorite! Everything in this segment exuded power: the music, choreography, costumes, etc. I very much liked the fire elements and the men banging on the drums; it helped create the powerful atmosphere. The outfits reminded me a lot of The Greatest Showman; very theatrical.
Favorites: Centre-Val de Loire, Corse, Côte d’Azur, Île-de-France, Midi-Pyrénées, Normandie, Pays de la Loire, Provence, and Rhône-Alpes
Segment 5: Old Hollywood

Featuring: All 29 contestants
This segment features all of the girls in one-piece swimsuits. The swimsuits reminded me of the 1950s style swimsuits – one-piece, defined waist, flirty yet covered up. The backdrop for the stage was the Century Fox movie intro, but Miss France edition. Besides the contestants, the stage was pretty empty. The only time dancers appeared was at the beginning, which started backstage where there was a little skit of the girls getting ready for their close up. I liked seeing the girls on the stage by themselves because we have only seen them on stage with dancers and actors before this moment.
Favorites: Alsace, Côte d’Azur, Guadeloupe, Île-de-France, Limousin, Midi-Pyrénées, Normandie, Provence, and Réunion
Throughout the show the hosts asked the judges questions, which took up a little bit of time. I actually did not find myself wanting to skip this part or wanting the judges to hurry up with their answers. I normally want the results right away after each segment of a pageant, but that did not happen this time. I do not know if it was because I am intrigued by the French language or something else.
Top 15 Announcement
Top 15: Alsace, Aquitaine, Bourgogne, Corse, Côte d’Azur, Guadeloupe, Île-de-France, Limousin, Mayotte, Normandie, Pays de la Loire, Poitou-Charentes, Provence, Réunion, and Rhône-Alpes
When it came to the announcement of the top 15, all of the girls were dressed in the same sparkly lilac ballgowns. On one hand, I liked the uniformity, but on the other hand, I like it when contestants where different colors because it makes it easier for us – the audience – to tell the contestants apart.
After each contestant was announced, they made a short little speech or gave a little introduction of themselves. I do not speak French. Therefore, I have no idea what they were saying.
For me, overall, I was not really surprised by the top 15. Every girl that made it, I could have seen placing in the top 15. The one thing that came as a shock was the absence of Miss NPDC. This not only came as a shock for me, but for many pageant fans and former Miss France winners, such as Miss France 2018 Maëva Coucke. Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais Laura Cornillot is beautiful and seems like a smart, caring person that could have made a great Miss France. Granted, I have not met her and I do not know what went on behind the scenes at Miss France 2021.
Miss France 2020 Clémence Farewell

Even though I did not understand a single word, this farewell still felt heart-warming. There were a couple things I loved about this moment. One, when the video of Clémence’s family and friends played, there was a camera on Clémence and it showed her reaction to the video. Two, all of the judges stood up and applauded Clémence on everything she accomplished in her reign. This showed the sisterhood that is created through pageantry.
Swimsuit Competition

Featuring: Top 15
The top 15 where in two-piece swimsuits that honestly looks like something a superhero would wear. It was a blue two-piece high-waisted swimsuit with red knee-high boots, red and white sleeves with shoulder pads, and a cape of the French flag.
Just like every other segment, it was well done. Everything about this show was well done. You can tell that a lot of time and hard work went into creating this show. One thing I thought was interesting was when the girls started to do the “Savage Love” Tik Tok dance when the song came on. Once I heard the song come on, I was worried that the girls would do the Tik Tok dance and it would be cringey, but it wasn’t. I loved it when Ricky Martin’s “La Copa De La Vida” played and the girls and judges started to dance and sing. This shows how much fun everyone is having, which makes watching a pageant even more fun.
Favorites: Alsace, Bourgogne, Côte d’Azur, Guadeloupe, Île-de-France, Normandie, Pays de la Loire, and Provence
Top 5 Announcement
Top 5: Alsace, Bourgogne, Côte d’Azur, Normandie and Provence
No surprises here. Each of these girls deserved a top 5 placement and I cannot argue otherwise.
Evening Gown Competition

Featuring: Top 5
The evening gown competition was like a fairy tale. The horses made a reappearance for the evening gown competition as well as the actors who guided the horses. One of the horses was a little stubborn and did not want to go out on stage – which was a little funny – but the horse eventually went.
Each of the five girls stepped out from a large story book when they began their walk on stage. All of them were dressed in beautiful embellished gowns that were made for a queen. I want to own all of these gowns. I don’t know where I would wear them to, but I want them in my closet.
Q&A Competition
Each of the girls were given a question by a former Miss France winner that is not on the panel of judges. Again, I do not speak French so I have no idea what everyone was saying, but I can judge based on what I saw.
Confidence is a big thing in pageants. If you do not have it, it is hard to win. With that being said, when it comes to confidence, Normandie and Bourgogne radiated the most of it. Alsace looked firm in her answer, but she did not exude as much confidence as Normandie and Bourgogne. Provence also looked firm in her answer, but she did not really smile or make much expressions when answering her question. Therefore, it was hard to get a read on her. For Côte d’Azur, she did not look like she was confident in her answer at all times. There were times when I saw that she was confident in her answer, but there were other times where I was wondering if she messed up due to her looking a little flustered.
I love it when pageants show what the winner gets (besides the crown and title). I think this part of a pageant should be brought back because it is not only interesting to know, but it could make more people interested in joining pageants.
Some of the prizes Miss France 2021 gets are clothes, accessories, a smart phone, television, magazine cover, and a Peugeot car.
Themed Segment
Segment 6: French Art

Featuring: Top 5
The girls walked the runway in a one-piece swimsuit, a cape with a famous painting on it, and an artist’s paint palette on their head. This segment was my least favorite of all the themed segments. There was not anything horrible about the segment, there was just nothing that captured my attention.
4th ru: Bourgogne

3rd ru: Alsace

2nd ru: Côte d’Azur

1st ru: Provence

Miss France 2021: Normandie

I am so happy Normandie won. Although I did not pick her to win in my Miss France 2021 prediction, I cannot deny that her performance throughout the pageant was great and worthy of the title. All of the girls did really well, but Normandie was the obvious winner for me since the top 15 swimsuit competition. I think she will represent France at Miss World or Miss Universe wonderfully.
If I had to describe the Miss France 2021 pageant in one word, it would be magnificent. From the girls, to the stage, to the dancers – everything was magnificent. Miss France is undoubtedly one of the best national pageants in the world and I cannot imagine just how much hard work it takes to pull off a show like this.

A big congratulations to the Miss France Organization on another phenomenal year and to Amandine Petit on winning the Miss France title.
Feature image and contestant headshots courtesy of the Miss France Organization and photographer
Tags: Miss France, Miss France 2021, Miss Universe, Miss World, missfrance, pageant
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