The 10th edition of the Miss Grand International pageant was held on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, in Jakarta, Indonesia, where Brazil’s Isabella Menin was crowned Miss Grand International 2022. Along with the crowning of the new queen, there were several segments that caught the attention of viewers (for better or for worse). Keep on reading to get a recap of the Miss Grand International 2022 pageant and my thoughts and opinions of the final night, including who I believe were the best in sportswear, evening gown, speaking, and best overall performer. I will also be rating each segment and the result announcements on a scale of 1–5. At the end, I will give an overall rating of the production and entertainment value. The grading scale is as follows:
*Segments/Production/Entertainment (1-5): 1 = Horrible; 2 = Not Good; 3 = Okay; 4 = Good; 5 = Amazing
*Results (1-5): 1 = Strongly Disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Neutral; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly Agree
DISCLAIMER: This post is not meant to bring any contestant down or discredit their placement or win. These are strictly my opinions regarding each of their performances at the final pageant and where I would have placed them if I was judging. All the contestants worked extremely hard to get to where they are, and that should be noted and celebrated above all else.
Opening Number:
As to be expected with Miss Grand International, the production was incredible! The stage, lights, smoke, outfits, and Tien’s throne being lifted into the air… amazing! The only thing I will say about the outfits is that Tiên’s (Miss Grand International 2021) didn’t go with the futuristic steampunk theme. I don’t know how to categorize her outfit correctly, but it resembles – what I perceived to be – Indonesian culture. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s pretty, but doesn’t quite fit the theme.
An opening number at Miss Grand would not be complete without dancing. When it comes to the choreography, I’m not too crazy about it. Yes, the robotic dance moves do fit with the theme, but I found it to be a bit cringy to watch, especially the part following Tiên’s brief solo after the introduction of the contestants. I’m not going to lie, it looked off. The jazz hands or spirit fingers (whatever you want to call them) and the transition between contestant placements not being smooth bothered me. I understand that not everyone can dance and it’s not easy to dance in heels, but as a former dancer, weird choreography and execution errors really bother me.
Despite all this, the opening number is superior when comparing it to other pageants’ opening numbers. The production was top-notch, which helped increase my score for this segment.
Score: 4
National Costume Winners: Peru, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Vietnam

Photos: Miss Grand International Organization and Photographer(s)
I agree with the winners. I like all four costumes.
Social Media Award: Czech Republic
I completely agree! Mariana made sure to stay constantly active throughout the pageant experience and made entertaining TikToks along the way.
Top 20 Results:
When Miss United Kingdom was announced in the Top 20 and started crying, it was a touching moment. Sofia is a sweetheart and worked hard to make sure the United Kingdom would place and be recognized on an international level. Read my interview with Sofia here.
Was I surprised by any of these ladies making it? No. Was I surprised to see Laos not make it due to having one of the best closed-door interviews? Yes. Ecuador, Costa Rica, Myanmar, and Ghana were also strong competitors that were left out of the Top 20. While I do feel Laos should have gotten into the Top 20, I do not feel strongly enough about it to make me say that I disagree with the Top 20.
Score: 3
I LOVE opening to the sportswear competition! The staging, music, dancing, and outfits were all on point. While the outfits worn by the contestants who did not make it into the Top 20, who were opening the segment with a dance, were in sportswear, the outfits worn by the Top 20 were not. However, I am not going to nag on them about this because I really like the outfits, so I do not care that they are not sportswear.
Best in Sportswear
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic brought power to the stage. Her strong, confident walk gave me “boss woman” vibes. She played it up with her facial expressions and did it well. I would love to see Jearmanda compete at another international pageant.
Video: GrandTV
There are three other things I would like to highlight from the sportswear competition:
- I did not know that you could wear jewelry with sayings on it, such as “Fine Ass Girl” like Miss Indonesia did. Out of curiosity, to all pageant contestants, does it say anything in the rules for your competition regarding not being able to wear items with such sayings on them at the pageant?
- Miss Mexico has one of the best catwalks of the pageant. It was unfortunate that she slipped during her performance, given her strong walk, but she did recover well from the fall.
- Miss United Kingdom wore ballet shoes and did a little dance. This will be one of those MGI moments that will be remembered.
My Top 10 in Sportswear: Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Nigeria,
Puerto Rico, Spain, Thailand, Venezuela
Top 10 Results:
Where are Miss Dominican Republic and Nigeria? Nigeria is a subtle yet strong beauty, which surprised me when she didn’t make it into the Top 10. She screams “Grand”. Dominican Republic… do I even need to explain why she should be in the Top 10? Watch her performance and it will speak for itself.
I am not a big fan of the popular vote winner automatically making it to the Top 10 because it leaves out outstanding performers in the previous round. I would be okay with the popular vote winner automatically making it into the Top 20 (or making it a Top 21) because it would be fairer for the finalists moving forward in the competition.
Score: 2
Stop the War and Violence Speech:
The stage was okay. Nothing really wowing. There was a large cylinder object with various words describing war, violence, and peace. The words also appeared on the LED boards. The girls who did not make it to the final 10 walked the stage in their evening gowns before the Top 10 came out on stage. The Top 10 finalists were wearing the same beautiful, traditional Indonesian attire designed by Ivan Gunawan.
Top 5 Speeches: (in alphabetical order)
- Brazil: Miss Brazil talked about war bringing segregation to humanity. War divides the world, which leads to further harmful actions. Isabella continued, saying that in the most expensive war in the world, one child was killed or maimed every five hours for 20 years. Children being killed by conflict erases our history because children will become history-makers later in life. She then spoke a little bit in Thai (I don’t speak Thai, so I cannot tell you what she said).
- Czech Republic: Miss Czech Republic touched on the reality of war: what we don’t think of and what we don’t see. Mariana expresses her gratitude that she never experienced war, while others are living on the streets and worrying if they will get through another day. While Mariana will never fully understand what it is like for those suffering from war and violence, she will continue helping as many people as she can through her charity work, which she has been doing for the past five years.
- Indonesia: Miss Indonesia talked about disparity: people having difficulty accessing education and clothes, as well as unequal support regarding their dreams. Andina comes from such a place. However, her family always told her to “dare to dream,” and now she is standing on stage with the whole country supporting her. Her eyes were opened by the MGI Organization (MGIO), making her realize that limitations are only in your mind. Andina expresses that she is a representation that limitations only hold you back if you believe in them.
- Puerto Rico: Miss Puerto Rico first spoke about her Russian roots and how she lived in Russia for 13 years, 10 of those years being in an orphanage due to governmental orders since her family was living in poverty and inequality. Later on in life, she was adopted by Puerto Rico. Oxana iterated that she not only knows injustice but knows how to bring something transformative out of it. Her life has “forged her to be a bridge that leads us to a path of hope and peace. To be a voice that advocates for unity and equality.” Oxana then took a moment to speak directly to Vladimir Putin in Russian.
- Thailand: Miss Thailand talked directly about the war between Ukraine and Russia. The effects of the war are affecting lives in every way possible: economic, societal, educational, etc. Power, especially gender-based power, is taking precedent over human lives. These actions and beliefs are shameful, and people are the root cause of them. Engfa said that we need to be better for each other in order for war and conflict to end, especially to stop the invasion of Ukraine.
Score: 4
Similar to the speech segment, there were no elaborate effects done during this segment, which gave the spotlight to Tiên. The song “I’ll Stand By You” by Jake Wesley Rogers played. This song really suits this segment because even after the crown is passed on to the next titleholder, they will always be a part of the Grand family. This is symbolized through the exchange of crowns (“reigning” crown to “former” crown).
Everything about the farewell was very well done, but I do have to mention Tiên’s outfit. We normally see a farewell dress, but we saw a farewell jumpsuit. While I like seeing something different, the jumpsuit was not wowing to me. The bottom fabric underneath the beading was too much for her frame; it appeared to have swallowed her. I saw the outfit, not Tien. If the bottom was tighter and made from nude fabric, this look would have been much better.
Score: 4
MGI 10th Year Anniversary: Gathering of the Queens:
Let’s just get the elephant out of the room first. This segment of the show began with a video of the Earth and the letters “MU” (aka Miss Universe) on it. The letters were then replaced with the golden letters “MGI”, and a bright beam of light appeared on the stage.
Okay, that was unnecessary, nor did it do any favors for the MGI organization. In my opinion, mentioning another major international pageant in your pageant for the purpose of wanting to be better than them disgraces your organization. Actions like this make people think you are seeking attention by grasping at every straw you can in order to remain relevant. It only takes one look at social media to see the negativity surrounding this segment, which does not do any favors in regards to saving the image of the organization after losing over a million followers overnight.
As a fan of MGI, I don’t want to see the organization in a bad light or see it plummet because of decisions like this. Yes, you want to be number one, continuously improve yourself, and prove yourself as the most prestigious pageant in the world. That is all great and everyone should strive for success, but do you have to stoop this low in order to do it? I don’t think so.
Following the video, the MGI winners from 2013 and 2014, as well as from 2016–2021, had their own solo moment on stage. Each wore beautiful beaded gowns with their (former) crowns. Mr. Nawat came out to speak about the organization and the future of it.
After the speech, a video showing all the pageants and crowning moments (except for 2015) was displayed. My question is, why couldn’t they have shown this before the gathering of the queens? It would have made a lot more sense and evoked more emotion from the queens, and therefore, more emotion from the audience.
If this segment was just the highlights of the queens and the videos of the previous editions, I would have given this segment a 5. However, with the addition of the controversial video, I will knock this segment down.
Score: 2.5
Evening Gown:
Overall, the production was great. The only thing that I did not like was the transition between contestants. The transition from contestant to contestant was odd; the awkward camera angle shot the contestants seemingly walking to nowhere. It could have been better if the transition occurred directly after the final pose.
No one had a bad evening gown performance, but one performance stood out to me…
Best in
Evening Gown
Thailand’s walk, turns, smize, and overall performance was the best in the group. Engfa played with her dress just enough, didn’t overdo it. She also timed her facial expressions with her walk very well. I’m not usually a fan of dramatic hand movements, but it worked here.
Video: GrandTV
The array of gowns was not the best I have seen. I did like the gowns of Colombia, Czech Republic, Puerto Rico, and Spain. I did not like the gowns of Brazil, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mauritius, Thailand, and Venezuela. To be more specific, I do like Brazil’s gown in photos, but on stage, it did not flatter her figure. A similar situation with Thailand: I like the design of the gown, yet I do not like it on stage. The gowns of Cambodia, Indonesia, Mauritius, and Venezuela are just not my style.
Best Evening Gown
Puerto Rico
At first, I didn’t know how I felt about this dress. Once I saw the dress up close, I fell in love with it! I love the silver and light blue combo, and the pattern of the jewels reminds me of waves. I really love the straps that drape over the arms. It adds an extra touch of glam.
Video: GrandTV

Fun Fact:
Brazil’s gown was meant to pay homage to Miss Universe 1968, Martha Vasconcellos.
Photo: shorturl.at/ALMP2
My Top 5 in Evening Gown: Brazil, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, and Thailand
Golden Grand Award: Vietnam
The National Director of the Golden Grand Award – basically the best National Director – received a special crown and sash. The crown was too much for me, especially with the size of it. I would have been just fine with the sash and/or a necklace, bracelet, or even a small crown, but a big one seemed too much for me. I think the crowns should just be dedicated to the winner and runner-ups in the pageant. I do understand MGIO wanting to do it because it is “Grand”.
Runner-ups: Japan and Spain
Top 5 Results:
I, like many others, was shocked when Puerto Rico did not make it to the Top 5. I believe Puerto Rico had a stronger speech and evening gown performance than Venezuela. Therefore, I would have given the fifth spot to Puerto Rico.
Score: 2
All the contestants had to answer the same question:
“Currently there is a war between Russia and Ukraine. The President of Russia has ordered an invasion of Ukraine killing its people, destroying its architecture, and creating uncertainty for the future. If you had the opportunity to send a message to President Vladimir Putin, what would you say in one minute?”
(summary of answers)
Brazil: In addition to Ukraine and Russia sharing history, they also share the same fate as humans. “We are more alike in our humanity than different in our nationality.” We need to think about what we can do to work towards diplomacy and understanding because we can rise above violence and brutality.
Indonesia: Answered in Bahasa, so a translator was used. “War never has a happy ending. Growing up in a family that taught me about kindness, compassion, and respect, I learned that kindness is the only way to bring about a better future.” With peace, we will see a big smile on the children’s faces. They are the faces of a better world and a better future.
Thailand: “Everything you (Vladimir Putin) do is not different from a beast. You kill innocent people.” Why do you think that way? Why do you do things like that? Everyone in the world deserves to have peace, love, happiness, and be treated with respect. Please stop the war. Please stop the violence. You can make love and do better things in the world.
Czech Republic: “I grew up in a country that was occupied by the Russian Soviet Union for over 40 years. Being raised by my grandmother, she told me stories of the oppression, and she emphasized that we should learn from history that oppression is never the right choice. If I had the opportunity to speak to Vladimir Putin, I would force him to look into the eyes of a mother who just lost her child due to the senseless bombing in Ukraine. I would force him to look into the eyes of the father who had to send his 17-year-old son to fight in a war that he doesn’t even believe in. I would force him to look into the eyes of the children who are suffering, scared in refugee camps. I was there volunteering. I know how heartbreaking it is, and I would ask him, “Where is your heart? Where is your consciousness? What are you fighting for? And is it worth it?””
Venezuela: I cannot prevent war in the world, but I can extend my hand to all those affected by it. “I’m here as Miss Grand International Venezuela 2022 and I want to say that I want to be the voice of all of those who cannot do it because I’m here and I want to say that Mr. Putin, war is not the solution.” So, I invite you to put your hand in your heart and understand that the only solution in the world is peace and love. That is why I’m here supporting the Miss Grand International Organization’s campaign against war and violence. The only solutions in the world are peace and more love.
Best Speaker
Czech Republic
Czech Republic did her homework and it shows. In both the speech and the Q&A segments, Mariana displayed her intelligence, eloquence, and heart.
Video: GrandTV
While I don’t mind having them answer the same question, I would like to see (1) the contestants not being able to hear each other’s answers so it makes each contestant think on their own and (2) have each of them answer an additional question where each contestant receives a different question. This would allow us to see how well the contestants are at thinking quickly on their feet and delivering the message articulately.
Due to wanting to see a change in the formatting of the Q&A segment, I will reduce a point.
Score: 4
My Final Results:
4th runner-up: Venezuela
3rd runner-up: Thailand
2nd runner-up: Indonesia
1st runner-up: Brazil
Winner: Czech Republic
Official Final Results:
4th runner-up: Czech Republic

3rd runner-up: Venezuela

2nd runner-up: Indonesia

1st runner-up: Thailand

Winner: Brazil

The two best answers from the Q&A round were Brazil and Czech Republic. If Czech Republic didn’t win, I would then choose Brazil as the winner because…
Best Performer
From the pre-pageant events through the preliminary rounds and the finals, Brazil was the most well-rounded performer. Giving strong performances at all events.
Video: GrandTV
Music: Imagine Dragons “Bones”
I absolutely disagree with Mariana getting 4th runner-up. What is the reasoning behind that? Where is the logic in that? She nailed it! At the end of the day, everyone has their own opinions, and mine clashed with the judging panel.
I do not believe Thailand had a stronger answer than Indonesia. Thus, I would put her below Indonesia and above Venezuela. Venezuela had a cookie-cutter answer. Yes, she has valid points, but with pageantry having been around for so long and this being a typical answer, you have to at least find another way to deliver the message in order to have a strong effect. Due to the passion and compassion in her voice, Thailand is a notch above Venezuela for me. In addition, Engfa kept my attention throughout her answer and did not have me drifting off.
With that being said, I do agree with Indonesia’s placement, and I understand Brazil’s win. Everything else, I personally do not agree with. Therefore,
Score: 1.5
Even though I have my disagreements with some things in the show, the Miss Grand International Organization always puts on a fabulous show; one of the best, if not the best, in the business. For such a reason, the 10th anniversary of the pageant gets a 5 for entertainment. Production was docked a point, resulting in a 4, due to the odd opening number choreography, strange transition camera angles, and the mix up of Mexico not being on stage for her award at the end of the night.

Watch the full Miss Grand International 2022 pageant here!
Big congratulations to all of the winners and contestants who competed in the 10th edition of the Miss Grand International pageant. Getting to step foot onto the MGI stage is a massive accomplishment that many will never be able to do, so that is something to be extremely proud of! I wish all the winners a successful and joyful reign. Take in every moment because a year will go by fast.
Thank you to all of you for reading my (very long) Miss Grand International 2022 Recap & Review!
Headshots courtesy of MGIO and Photographer(s)
Follow the Beauty and Brains official Instagram for breaking news on all things pageantry! @beauty_brains_pageants
Tags: 10th Anniversary, Beauty and Brains, Miss Grand International 2022, MissGrandInternational, Recap, Review, WeAreGRANDthe1andOnly